Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I am in a State of Shock. . . Over Postman Pat's Cat!

I've just had a shock! Postman Pat. His cat Jess is male!!!!! I always thought it was female, Jess, short for Jessica, I'm in absoulute shock!!!! All my childhood memories, vanished!!!! I found this out today because the cat "Jess" is going to have her (shit. . .his!) very own show on the BBC from 2008 for pre-school children, but it won't be animated as Pat is, it will be computer generated (not a big fan). I loved Postman Pat as a child, I had ALL the books and ALWAYS watched him on TV, loved it, truely loved it, but, oh my God, Jess is a he? Has anyone else thought she was a she? I'll say it again. . ."shocked"

Ok, yes a blog, and yes I am tired from the journey and yes, I do miss Devon and no, I don't want to be here in London. Already a thousand planes have flown over and a trillion trains have gone past and the city noise is deafening, I love the quiteness, the blackness of the countryside, I even love the wind and the bleakness, here it's just its usual hum drum boring self, no sunset, no wide open skies or fields, house upon house, road upon road, everywhere you look there is a person, a train, a plane, a car. . .do I make myself clear?!!!! I need to be in Devon, I am Devon, Devon is me and me is Devon. Fuck!

I'll leave it there. Note, now I'm back in the capital, I start to complain more, start to have a go, start to rant, in the country I'm light and free as a bird, so NOTE THE DIFFERENCE!!!!

Thank you

Emy xxx


tuckmac said...

Y'all have to get the heck out of the city, Em.... You just gotta get out.

I don't "understand" your hatred for the city... But I know how you feel, as it's completely the OPPOSITE of how I do...

Och weel... Life sucks, and we should all buy helmets.

- T

Macascot said...

Sorry Em I've always known that Jess was male.
That's okay though, easy mistake to make.

I agree with Tucker if you hate the city tha much then you have to devise a plan to get out.

Remember it could be worse you could have gangrene.
