Saturday, March 04, 2006

D E V O N It's Glorious

Hello all, I seem to be a little behind! I have loads of pictures today, as promised, from the journey down, yesterday and today’s sunshine. The weather is simply beautiful, glorious sunshine over an equally glorious land. The birds are singing spring. The snowdrops are out in full and the lambs have grown big since December.

My Dad has a cold, which is typical, so it’s been up to me to lay the fire in the wood burner, feed the birds and crack the ice on the pond. I went for a lovely, refreshing walk earlier, across the field ‘Keeper’s Marsh’ through the woods ‘Throat Copse’ and then over the crop fields, with a buzzard high up as company and dried apricots for sustenance. I came across a recently dug out badger set and left them an apricot, I’ll go there tomorrow again to see if they’ve eaten it!!!! I walked up to the top to say hello to the Scots Pines and saw Dartmoor covered in snow. What a sight! The photograph hardly does it justice! I heard my first Blackbird yesterday and saw my first tractor on the road to the local town Torrington earlier. Snow and frost are due but I hope the sun keeps shining. The nights are drawing out and it’s visibly much lighter here at 6pm then London.

I’m enjoying the wide-open spaces, the sun, the birdsong, and the sweet smells of spring. I’ve even managed to start a painting in oil! I can’t WAIT to see my friend Sue’s new lambs, watch out for pictures of them soon. So now I’ll let the pictures talk for themselves:

Eddie Stobart
View of Old Chapel Cottage from Keeper's Marsh

Green field & Three Trees Scots Pine

Me in the woods and Gorse in the hedgerow (when the gorse is in season, so is kissing)

Snowdrops in hedgerow, snow capped Dartmoor, A shadow of a Pine and me and Sheep!

Well, that's it guys, I can't stay on here for long as I have rotten dial up connection again, only Broadband in London!!!! But I'll try and be back every day.

Love this place, I want to live here ALWAYS!!!! One day. . .

Emy xxx

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