Saturday, March 11, 2006


Hello all!

Well, the wind dropped last night after a beautiful golden sunset, which turned everything pink and blue, my favourite light!

Today is my mum and dad’s 39th Wedding Anniversary, so it’s the big 40 next year. We’re just going to have a cosy night in with champagne and good food, might be a long one so I don’t fancy my chances of sending a post for tomorrow!

I still feel like I’m coming down with something, courtesy of my dad, gee, thanks dad! But I’m fighting it! I’ve even been out for a walk; note the misty, atmospheric pictures of the sun and trees. I saw two Roe deer in the woods and left some more nuts for the badgers.

So after this, I must do a play list for tonight on my ipod, last Birthday my Dad bought me bose speakers for it and I still can't BELIEVE the sound, for something so small, it really delivers a punch! So tunes from the 60s and 70s, well, they were married in 1967, so definietly some Sgt Pepper, don't you think?!

Must go, this really is short and sweet, as just about to eat scones, jam and clotted cream, TWICE in one week, diet now up the spout! Oh well, next week, got to enjoy yourselves some time!

Lots of love and cheer (never know, might type something tonight while very drunk, depends, you see having not had any wine ALL week one glass WILL go straight to my head!!!!!!!!),

Emy xxxx

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