Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Do me a favour. . .WATCH THIS FILM

Ok first thing, a few days ago I told you about the tragedy of the Cheltenham Horse race, if any of you clicked on the Animal Aid website then you may have noticed the film of the horse racing, did you watch it? No? Well you must, even if you can't bare to see it, you still must. It's only 90 seconds long yet it has a deep impact, the black and white images, the pulsating soundtrack and the message really brings it to home, also you MUST sign the petition afterwards:


(yes, you need broadband)

Today has been interesting. For the next few weeks the estate where I live, St Joseph's Vale or St Joe's, is being decorated, so we have scaffolding up and men painting our windows when we're having lunch! Well, he was kind enough to pull the blind down! The house has been an ice block all day with all the windows open. I will be rudely awakened tomorrow by the 'team' to paint my windows, I am NOT a morning person, and having to wake up at 8am is not my idea of fun!

Also I'd like to introduce you to a neighbor's cat, I don't know her real name, so, once when she was in the garden I called her "Young Lady" and she replied a "meow" so now that's her name. She is beautiful, divine, she looks like a miniature snow leopard and she is very vocal. She sits in the garden looking serene while talking to herself, it's a very low, deep meow, kind of like a Siamese and I can do a VERY good impression of a Siamese, only because I was baby sat by my parent's Siamese, Pepper (that in fact was my first word!) and so "Young Lady" and I often have conversations in the garden together! And she is very photogentic:

Still on the subject of cats, the South West of England (Somerset, Dorset, Devon & Cornwall) is now the top hot spot to see Big Cats roaming, as in puma's, panthers, lynx. Back in the 1970s a new law came into play, you had to have a license, which cost money, to keep a wild cat, so all these people, instead of paying up, let their animals go into the wild. I've never seen one but a local close to the cottage has seen one in the lane, apparently it was a puma, who jumped out in front of him and then scrambled back up the hedgerow and was gone. Its often crossed my mind when I've been walking across the fields on my own, but they are very shy creatures and that's why there's a huge myth surrounding them, do they really exist? Or is this just another Nessie type thing?

Well, today in the news, the police have actually confirmed one that was caught and shot by a Norwich game keeper, people again thought it was a hoax, but in fact it was true and it was a Lynx

And still on the same subject (last one, I promise) Amazing footage on the news of a cat in America who survived an 80 foot fall from a tree. The branch snapped, bringing down the moggy who landed on her feet!!!! It does happen, when my Dad was a boy he had a cat called "Fluffy" Original name, I know! One day his mum was dusting the window shelf, where Fluffy was sitting behind the curtain, the window was wide open and Fluffy was accidentally pushed out. She charged down the stairs believing to find poor Fluffy dead but he was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs looking a bit ruffled!!

Oh well, that's it with cats today, cats and horses.

With the help of my excellent tutor Tucker on all things blog, I have now been able to add my links to various websites and friends' blogs, not to mention my weather pixies, clock etc, things still need tidying up but I'm getting there, thanks to T and the beauty of broadband. Dial up connection in Devon drove me nuts!!!! Yes, an advantage of living in the city!!! (well I could get broadband there but then that means paying for two accounts!). There are many advantages of living in the city, I do love London, I will admit to it, but I love Devon more.

That's all for today folks and please, please, PLEASE watch the film at the top, I really think you should, even if you know ALL about it, familiarize yourself again, for me, or more importantly for those poor wretched creatures.

Thank you, and comments please,

Emy xxx


Macascot said...

After my cat based blog the other day......
Well first of all your neighbour's cat looks like it has quite the personality. En plus three people at our wedding actually some massive black cats in the field next to our house.
They weren't stoned.....


Unknown said...

yes I did read your cat blog the other day and felt I should add my own cat tales (tails), what with the black cats and the neighbours cat, posed in the back garden.
Three people? Wow, did anyone have cameras? Well, it was a wedding . . .

Emy x