Sunday, March 26, 2006

British Summertime Begins!

Hello everyone, yes, summertime, the clocks when forward at midnight, so we've lost an hour in bed but have gained an hour of light in the evening. So soon the sun will be setting at 9 in the summer and darkness at 10, actually I'm getting a little carried away, that doesn't actually happen until July/August! But one hour makes a BIG difference.

Also today it's Mother's Day in the UK, so I'd like to start off with some pictures of my mum and myself taken way back when:

1979 My mum and her new born (me!)

1988, Ravello, Itlay
1988, Ravello, Italy

1988, Ravello, Italy (classic mum pose!)
1984 note the Renault 5 and my ghastley school uniform

2005, Christmas, My mum and me now. . .any difference?!

Aren't we sweet?!

It's colder today and cloudy. No sunshine for summer yet, though Spring has hardly started.

Before I go I must share with you this wonderful link to London Cockney Rhyming slang and give you a few examples: (it can only happen in London!)


Bexley Heath Teeth "Look at the Bexley's on

Abraham Lincoln Stinking "There's a dead cat in the
garden and it's Abraham

Dame Edna Everidge Drink (beverage) "Me & the lads are off
down the Rat & Parrot a few Dame Edina's"

Laid Bucket & Spade "I got bucket and spade
last year"

PC Plod (Policeman) Fishing Rod "Watch out there's a
fishing rod over there"

Pen Bill & Ben "Where's my Bill & Ben?"

Cor blimey. That's great, don't you think?

Emy xxx

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