Friday, March 31, 2006

Greetings from Royal Holloway

Hello, now I did say in yesterday's blog that I wouldn't be able to do this because I was going to see my friend Mary. Well I am, she's sitting next to me. I'm in the Music Departments PC centre because she has to do some photo-copying, so this, ironically, gives me a nice chance to post a blog for today. And as Mary has been very slow, practically all her life, I might have to be here for sometime, so be warned, this is going to be a LONG post for today!

The jounrney down here was fine, took about an hour, from Blackheath station to Waterloo to Egham (Egham is the station just before Staines which is bang on Heathrow). I was going to walk up to her uni to meet her there, but I would have preferred to get a taxi to her house beacuse I had my my wheelie suitcase (It has a name, "Moriarty", not because of the Sherlock Holmes baddie but Spike Milligan's character in the Goons, Moriarty who always seemed to be living in a suitcase with Hercules Grytpype-Thynne, if you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about then click here for The Goons website/characters in the show. It was a radio show in the 1950s, featuring Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe where they all performed over a dozen different voices and characters on every show. Fantastic stuff!) and another BIG bag and wasn't looking forward to the walk up the hill and then AMAZINGLY enough, Mary spills coffee over her skirt while she was still at home and phones me up and says could i get a taxi to her home? I've got a feeling I might have caused the coffee accident, I so wanted a taxi and somewhere to dump my stuff!!! So as usual Mary's running late anyway and we walk the 10 minute walk to the uni, but, oh dear God, on the way I got chatted up by a 5 year old!!!! Ok, he could have been 9, maybe he was small for his age, he started whistling to me and asking for my name and number, I mean, Oh my God, kids today! I collapsed into a fit of giggles and had to quicken my pace! Please comment on that one, no jokes mind, to him maybe, not to me! Then we met her friends and had lunch and now I'm here in the "PC suite" makes it sound so posh!

Anyway, as I have an hour on my hands, this place shuts at 4pm, I'll give you some interesting links that I found last night and some I'll find now too. . .so much time. . .

Cows, now I can't find the link for this, because it has sound on it and I can't find the volume button on this, inless its turned down already, but I'm not going to chance it, there are serious students in here, doing serious work and I don't think they would like me very much!

thecowdance - it's odd

RockPaperScissorsStone Looks good but then is simply boring, like the game

DancingBush game Funny, if only I could hear the music, they're head phones here, but now a guy has sat down next to me and I'm scarred to fiddle with them!

I don't believe it, I've just deleted my whole blog up to here. Bloody FUCKING PC's!!!! Windows sucks, it fucking sucks! Complaining I have an hour to kill, but now I've lost everything.

I can't be bothered to do it all again, so bye. Need a drink. Oh dear, at 4pm?! Dear God. Anyway, I must get out of this place, all these serious people working on their essays on the last day of term!!! Disgusting!

Emy xxx

1 comment:

Libra Larki said...

you're paintings are beautiful!