Sunday, March 05, 2006

Across The Fields and Far Away



South Down lamb
Well today has been another beautiful sunny day and more of that tomorrow, though, as ever; the weather is meant to turn to rain! Typical March weather.

I woke up after a heavy restful sleep to the sparrows quarrelling in the eaves of the cottage, probably fighting over nest space. Apparently spring is 4 weeks late!

In the afternoon, I walked across the fields, past the badger set, to my friend’s farm Dunsbeare to see the new South Down (breed of sheep) Lambs, 3 boys and a girl. The farm is lovely, tucked away in a valley, so at night it’s pitch black. They used to have a strong herd of Frisian cattle but all were slaughtered during foot and mouth, even though they didn’t have it. Now they have beef cattle and pedigree Limousine cows and not to mention the sheep! A lovely orchard, housing a duck pond with, yes, ducks! A farm dog called Rocky and two cats called Cleo and Claude. This is the farm we used to come to every summer before we bought the cottage, I was 3 when we first came down and have known many animals since then.

A month old Limousine, today, was dehorned. First anaesthetic is injected in both sides of his head and then the horns are burnt off. A pretty nasty business, but the calf feels nothing only fear and upset for being taken away from his mother who was mooing for him. For such a young calf, he was a strong one! Then it was the sheep’s turn. The newly born lambs needed their tails ringed and the male lambs needed castrating. All done on the farm, by the farmer, so no vet needed. There was also a dead badger, he had died a week ago from illness and because of the controversial TB outbreak in cattle, they had let DEFRA know and thought it would be a good chance to test the animal to see what it had died of, so no killing, an humane way and DEFRA DIDN’T EVEN CARE!!!!! (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs). So the counsel was phoned to take it away, by law it can’t buried on the farm in case of disease. No one’s come to take it away. I think that’s disgusting and such a sad sight at the entrance of the farm.

Being Done!

Sue with Chrissy and Pippa

Oh well, my Dad’s better from his cold, so hopefully we can do something fun tomorrow, if not, I’ll just have another walk again or start some more paintings.

The pictures today are my usual fare, skies, land and animals, but then that’s what Devon is all about!!!!

Not much more to add, again, enjoy the photos.

Emy xxx

Tonight's sunset

Tonight's sunset clouds with cottage

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