Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Painting As Promised

Bloody scheduled outage at 4pm, right in the middle of my bloody new blog creating. . .so the whole thing went pear-shaped and I had to delete it and do it all again!!!!! Before you ask, 'Oh another blog?' the answer is yes, one of two. One is completed the other is still on'the drawing board' stage.


Animal-Equals 'Animals Our Are Equals' A blog site with a difference. I won't tell you any more, go click!

And as promised, a new painting, only one mind as that is the subject for the second blog. More on that in a few days, weeks maybe, as I haven't got the space to paint in London at the moment, I need my studio in Devon and we will be going there around 17 May. Am counting down the days as usual.

'Fire Over Blue' Oil on Canvas

Apart from pulling my hair out over the blog, nothing much has been happening today. I keep thinking I'm coming down with something, but I've been saying that for weeks and I have to keep it at bay as I'm seeing my friend Gemma on Friday for lunch at her new flat. Yes, she's a grown up now, and I'm a little behind. But oh, I can't tell you how pleasesd I am with my Animal-equals blog site. I'm so looking forward to it, especially in Devon in the summer with the new cows! And I'm going to swallow my fear and walk in the field with them. For years I had no problem doing that- then Foot & Mouth came and I didn't see cows in the fields for 2 years after- and I kind of lost my nerve. But now I'm ready (to be chased?) no, they can smell your fear, I'll have none! Uuummmmm, I'll let you know. But, wow, 'live' cows or should I say 'alive' cows?! All the pictures now will be from the archives, but they are good ones.

Ok, that's it now, I'll wish you all good night,

Emy xxx


Ian russell said...

cows are funny - sometimes they come up to you, sometimes they run away!

hey, great artwork - very bold!

steve said...

Fantastic stuff--love sea and sky paintings, but this one's pretty unique.

Gotta love cows (that's why I just can't eat 'em). There's a cow farm nearby (right by a place I call "turtle-topia". I'll have to get some pics and post-'em soon--it's a great "wild" farm with a variety of cattle. they seem happier than most at least. Anyhow, this blog is a real feast for the eyes. Will have to check out your new one too!