Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Sudden Love For A Spirit

I had to get away! There's the FA cup final between West Ham and Liverpool on tv at the moment and I've never been a great football supporter, yet I know all the teams and could name you at least 4 players in all teams (that's not a boast, that's just a sad fact of my life!) and even though the second half is pretty exciting right now, I really am not that interested. Point taken? Good.

Having just invited coffee into my life recently, I've also just got the taste of something else. Whiskey. Don't get me wrong, I have had it before but always with a mixer, but now I'm only drinking it with ice or at a pinch soda water. I blame my Dad, it's his bad influence over me, that and Dutch cigars. After our 2 mile walks every night we come home for a glass of Bells whiskey to be drunk in the garden. Yes, Bells whiskey? The only thing in the cupboard (though now seriously empty), but all is not lost. Last year, on our trip to Scotland where I filmed my Scots Pine for my MA show, we went out to dinner to this beautiful hotel called the 'Dunalastair', where my Dad consumed a delicious glass of Highland Whiskey, 12 years old under the name of 'Blair Athol', and has he ever stopped talking about it? No! So I ordered a bottle from the Royal Mile Whiskey shop online and it arrived yesterday and is now wrapped up to be opened on my Dad's Birthday Monday week. Luckily he has no idea. I just can't wait for a glass or two! He said it's also very nice with ginger beer!

So 4 days to go till Devon. The only slight snag is that there is no broadband there, so I'm back to 'snail pace', the old dial up misery and back to typing my blogs on Word first then pressing copy and paste into the blog. Annoying, to say the least. But good for my painting. Since broadband I live on this laptop, it really has become part of me and as I spend hours on it I loose valuable painting time, not so in Devon!

So the Match still plays and the sun shines outside (although it has been a lot cooler today, I shouldn't have teased my friend Tucker in Minnesota about his awful weather there and our wondrous weather here! I think it has back fired!).

I might post again later, depending on how I feel as time of the month is upon me, even though I've taken half a packet of painkillers, they are beginning to ware off and the pain will soon raise it's ugly head once more! Shit. Exactly!

Actually I am going back down to watch the football as Teddy Sheringham has just come on, one of the oldest players in the world, 40 and playing for West Ham. And now Gerard has just scored again, so 3:3 now, last minutes of stoppage time, so extra time on the way. I better go down there then! I can't believe I've just said that! First coffee, whiskey and now football, what is happening to me at the moment?!!!!

Emy xxxx


tuckmac said...

Just so's you know...

Nothing back-firing here. I've just been off the computer this week. Very, very... Busy. Gah.


tuckmac said...


What's with the "comment moderation" thing? I understand the "word-verification" as I do that myself, but...

Have you been getting evil comments, or something?

Anyhoo... Smiles again,

Unknown said...

Yes, a few evil comments and spam, so I have to be careful! All three blogs have it too, I don't know why, but I seem to be a target for these knid of things recently, which is annoying as it takes away the joy of finding a comment on my blogs! :(

Em x