Monday, May 08, 2006

Countdown. . . 9 DAYS TO DEVON

Hello all. Well, I've had a lazy day today. I got up pretty late close to 11:30am but my excuse is is that it's getting close to 'time of the month' as in a few days and I always get very tired the few days before! It's not fair!

I walked into the village with my Mum, I'm still short on the odd Birthday present and managed to find her a lovely candle and candle holder with a design of blackbirds, butterflies and trees on it and it wasn't expensive, even though I found it in one of the most ridiculous, over priced shop in the entire country called 'Sisters and Daughters' (it used to be Stiches and Daughters). Selling everything from clothes, candles, cream, china, you name it, they sell it! I picked up a tiny bar of soap which would set me back £12.99!!!!! I mean come on! I don't even care if it's handmade by virgins in Paris!!!!!! (it wasn't, but it was from Paris!) Plus something has happened quite recently to me which I'm a little curious about. Coffee has finally made it's way into my life, my Mum says it happend to the best of us! But not any old coffee, but expresso, possibly the most strong, harsh drink on the market which makes you buzz around all day. So we stopped at Costa on the way back and it was fantastic!

I keep having recurring dreams, aniexty dreams, where I'm always back at school and I can't find anything. I can't find my time table, my books, my locker, my desk. I have no idea where I am meant to be or even if I did I wouldn't know how to get to A to B. I know how old I am (always 15) and I know who I am and who my friends are (most of whom I still know!) and I'm panicing throughout the entire time. Help.

9 days to go till Devon and to get everyone excited (and me) here's a picture from last summer

Apparently all the trees are out in bloom, so it's not that behind. The cows in the field are waiting patiently for me and the garden is looking lovely. My first port of call will be the badger set, that's if they, as in the farmers, haven't destroyed them. (Even though it's illegal, the bastards always find a way!). Oh I wish next week was now and tomorrow I would be packing and then Wednesday motoring to the West!

Everyone, when you've read this please check out my two other blogs, openstudio-uk and
animal-equals. And I don't know if anyone has seen the little chat aplet in the side bar in white. Please leave messages and smiling faces for me and all of my readers!

Thank you!

Emy xxx

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