Saturday, May 20, 2006

My Famous Walk Across the Fields and Far Away!

Red Campion in bunches

Scots Pine

Real British Wild Blue Bell!!!!!!!

Hello, I'm just escaping from the Eurovision Song Contest on BBC1, it's pretty dire, but, I'm on wine so I'm not too fussed! Yet the UK entry is kind of cool! We'll never win though! EVER!!!!

So I went for my walk today, across the fields and far away, where I encountered 4 fox cubs, one dead fox and many torn apart dead pheasants. I had a little bit of a fright, the game keepers dogs came and jumped all over me. . .I didn't mind the spaniels nor the lab but the lurchers (oh dear God!), my friend's dog Storm was torn apart by a lurcher a few years ago, Storm recovered but the attacker was destroyed, and the dogs I met today were owned by the same. . .BIG LURCHER JUMPED ALL OVER ME!!!!!!! Only being friendly, but did my legs wobble afterwards! You know, I'm minding my own business and I have as much right as they do to be in the fields and knowing full well that these devil hell hounds rip up foxes, pet dogs and all other kind of animals on a daily basis, so no wonder I was a little frightened. . .Well, petrified!

The gateway to paradise (didn't mean to be corny!)

Still lots more rain to come, dark clouds over the corn

Scots pine and opening in the sky

Anyway, I took some nice pictures and stayed out of the rain and the badgers are still thriving, so I left them some nuts!

The cottage from the fields of corn

Scots Pine they are really falling apart now!

Lovely skies

The photographer enjoying her nice sit down!

Fox cub

The picture above is pretty bad as I was standing some distance away. Sorry guys, but least it's alive and not dead (not for very long I suspect with those lurchers on the loose!)

Emy xxx


Ian russell said...

you've captured some dramatic cloud formations there, emy. i like the scots pines on the horizon.

the pic i really love is the gateway to paradise.

Anonymous said...

just came back from my ghost hunting, surprisingly none spirits were encountered!! ended up spending most of the time in a pub with mates (the best bit actually...). i really envy you emily, the place looks superb and i'd really like to walk in that field, it looks absolutely beautiful - no doubt a good place for getting your painting inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Im afraid I dont get on with any type of dog. They scare me. Im a cat person myself.
And Lordi (finlands entry) won! Brilliant! I didnt watch it, and I am not a fan of Lordi myself but I am just happy that a Metal band won the Eurovision! Crazy!