Sunday, February 26, 2006

Scary Facts and Wine and Disappointment

Hello all, bit of a hangover today, so pictures to follow from last night.

But first, something for you to think about:

Three things you may, or may not, know about the cosmos:

It is believed that:

1. The original 'matter' which created the 'big bang' was a massless particle, infinitely smaller than the full stop - period to you Tucker- at the end of the sentence.

2. Our galaxy is one of trillions of billions of galaxies in the expanding cosmos. In comparison to all of the galaxies put together, the Milky Way is the size of a grain of sand set against our entire planet.

3. When we look at many of the stars with the naked eye, we are seeing them where and as there were 10,000 years ago.

These facts I have gleaned from Brian Greene's 'The Fabric of the Cosmos". But you'd better read it for yourself to check I've remembered them right.

Oh, and Greene also recounts a famous joke!

There was a professor of astronomy called Fritz Zwicky working in California during the 1930s whose appreciation for symmetry led him to call his colleagues spherical bastards because, he said, 'they were bastards any way you looked at them'.

Ok back to 'A Little Too Much of Wine'

mmmmm, I would rather you all comment about the cosmos!

Greenwich market, today and yesterday with my friend Gemma where I saw such a STUNNING cardigan, but a little to expensive for my credit card, so down the hill to the market this afternoon with my mum, hangovers galore and it was GONE! Just shows you must ALWAYS buy these things when you see them. I'm VERY upset.

Snow and arctic conditions on the way next week, but then, that's what they said last week. So Devon still hopeful.

Lots of love and kisses,

Emy x


tuckmac said...

[chortle, chortle, snicker]

Nice pictures...


Does your father know that you posted these for the "world" to see? Ha.

Snow and arctic conditions?

Fa... Try Minnesota.

Actually... It's beginning to look alot like Spring. It's at least -3°C outside!

Unknown said...

Yes Daddy knows I've posted those pictures! He doesn't mind. The pictures of my Mum were far worse and she would skin me alive if I posted those!!!!

Yes but at least you have snow, we just get boring old rain, I'd love some snow, everyone's happier in the snow.

And why T are you never on msn anymore, before I caught you but now I don't. You need to give me some blog lessons, I'll send you a pint through the post!

Emy x

Unknown said...

No he didn't like it, so embarrassing pictures of Dad have gone, so anyone who missed them I'm sorry. Though one day I will post a nice picture of my dad, when I find him in a less drunken mood that is!

tuckmac said...

Oops... Yeah... Parents can be weird about stuff like that.

I HAVE been on MSN, but I've been doing all this "job" crap, and thus haven't been "on-line" as much as I'd like.


Send me an e-mail with questions, and I'll try to answer them when I can... No MSN-ing for ME for a while yet. Sorry.

- T

Casino Operators said...

Also what?