Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lovely Little Lambs

Hey everyone, here is my second video blog - actually one of three, but I think one at a time will do! Over the weekend I went to see the new lambs at my friend's farm. They are so adorable, well as you can see and very vocal!

Since I last blogged I've been painting hard and trying to catch an hour or so every day in the sunshine (or what sunshine we've had) for a few walks across the fields and far away. Well - the same fields as usual! One day I'll pluck up the courage and go further! Photos to follow in a few days time.

Hope everyone is well.

Emy xxx


tuckmac said...

My, how, um... Rural.


Unknown said...

Yes T, RURAL! Your favourite place . . . er, NOT! And soon to be here all the time because as soon as we're back in London we're selling to come and live here . . . wow, bliss!