Thursday, January 04, 2007

So Many Plans and Already . . .

I can't believe we're already 4 days into the New Year - the time is fast disappearing again. And like all good new year's myself and my Dad have come down with a cold, after all the stress and excitement over Christmas, and all the over indulgent has finally caught up on us. Plus it's back to detox for a good 4 weeks - perhaps a break after 2 - or not.

My open studio blog is going through a major re-haul - even though it keeps it's name and purpose it's now going to metamorphose into a Photo Blog - with still a few paintings on the side. As I've explained on the blog already I have drawers and bags of hundreds of photos and they need an outlet! And only one a day too - the same with the Animal Equals Blog - one photo a day and I'll be happy. This one will keep going as it is.

A few things in the news today:

2007 is going to be the warmest on record - try telling me that when I'm freezing in Devon in a few weeks time in my studio.

Pit balls seized in police raids - following the death of a young girl, Ellie Lawreson, who was mauled to death by a family pet in the early hours of New Year's Day - why do people keep these dogs? Although I've met so many people swearing by their friendly nature, why is this world so deluded?

And finally - 4 x 4 vehicles demand falling - FINALLY people have got the picture, I HATE CHELSEA TRACTORS, all very well if you have a farm then you can buy one of them Land Rovers, but to drive a 4 x 4 around the streets of London, blocking up the roads and thinking you're so higher up then everyone else! Disgusting. (my arguments have got to get better!)

Ok, sneeze, cough, cough, sneeze - although I have to walk into the village for paper and then go off to Bluewater tomorrow to take back un- fitting clothes from Christmas (not mine this time!) No fair and I'd rather be in Devon. Moan, complain, cough, sneeze . . .

Emy xxx

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