Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not Much To Say

Hey everyone - sorry for not blogging for a few days, but as you know I have a good excuse.

It's still sad times here. What was left of my gran's life at the home is now in black plastic bags in our hall way, ready to be sorted out and her dress we have to give to the undertakers soon is hanging up in the bathroom to dry after a good clean. Her favourite dress. There, everytime when I have to go to the loo. I'm trying so hard to control my emotions, and that certainly doesn't help.

Apart from that, all's well. I haven't got any news, so why did I bother doing this? I find it threaputic - is it me or does anyone else feel that way sometimes?

The weather is about to turn wild and windy again. And I can't even enjoy it in my studio in Devon for a few more weeks as we're undecided when we want to scatter the ashes. Before we go or when we get back in hopefully the warmer days of March? Who knows?

Sorry guys - I won't be doing this every day now for a while, I'll try my best though.

Hope everyone is well.

Emy xxx

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