Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm A Happy Bunny With A VERY Good Camera!

Hello everybody! Yes, I did survive my Birthday and I didn't get a silly hangover either as my Dad pushed the boat out with fine wines - just shows you, quality DOES count! I had a great day with lots of great presents including a beautiful digital camera, a Canon IXUS 800 IS 6 mega pixels - if anyone's interested and last night I took it for it's ultimate test - night time photography to shoot the Dockland towers from the heath and you know what - it aint bad!

You prob be thinking - what is she going on about? They're awful - well it was at night, as in no light at all in the sky (well, no natural light that is) and sometimes cameras don't know what they're taking - like my old Casio. But as the pixels are so good and the 4x zoom (up to 16) I think they're great and my Dad and I are going to Greenwich park tonight at 6:30 for the view of the park and London at Dusk - then I can REALLY test the camera's ability!

And earlier yesterday I went outside into the garden and took these! I'm well chuffed!

The day before this flower was intact - not now!

I'm going to send this image in to a card company to have it printed for Valentine's Day!

Smile for the camera!

Our famous Basil plant - it used to be two separate plants - an Organic one from Waitrose and a non-Organic one from Asda (big supermarket) and was in my Warden's flat in Canterbury. This summer we joined them together - and LOOK AT THEM!!!!! It has even started flowering!

Shadow on the kitchen floor - make a nice painting

I was sorry to hear about the crash involving Richard Hammond last night - the hamster - as I think he's a really good presenter and apart from the cars, he's the reason why I watch and enjoy Top Gear. He was trying to break the land speed record in a jet powered car and it skidded off the track and rolled over at 300mph speed. Amazingly enough he was still breathing when they cut him out - but he's still critical in hospital. I wish him well and send love to his family, his wife and two small children.

I hate these blasted 'Scheduled outages' that blogger pulls once in a while, plus the 'Could not connect to' messages that come through when I've typed all I want to say. A small hint for those who encounter the same problem (and have already thought of it long before me) copy and paste what you've typed into word or text edit - least you wouldn't lose it!

I've been spying on the neighbours today - one lot have moved out who have been here for 10 years and another have just got here and unpacking the lorry. Looks like a young couple - wow, more screaming kids to come. This place is perfect for families - a private estate with no cars coming up and down and each quad has a green in front. Yet there are quite a lot of oldies here too - it's a nice mix. Full of mad people though - including us.

The weather is fantastic really hot for this time of year, but there is a sad sorrowfull sight happening all around us - the Horse chestnut trees have got this terrible disease, the same type in which the Elms perished in this country a few decades ago. The Oaks sre already dropping their acorns, but the Chestnuts are dying - as in the leaves are already dried red and falling, while the conkers haven't even dropped - still green, stuck on the twigs, wanting to drop. And I haven't seen just one tree going through this plight but several - even in Canterbury - every tree looks the same. Read about it here. For those off you living in America it's the same disease that wiped up your American Chestnut.

Ok, must go and make some early dinner as we're haeding to the park in an hour!

Lots of love,

Emy x

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