Friday, September 29, 2006

Detox Day 5 & Have Cold

Hey folks, well it's the 5th day of detox and not only do I have a stinking cold - change of diet - but also my period is late due to, yes, change of diet, so my Mum said "oh that's alright you can have a cold, your period and lose weight at the same time" I think she meant well(!) So here's my situation I can't breathe, I'm stuffed up and I'm missing my paintings - my paintings you say? Yes, my Dad and I dropped off 6 paintings at the gallery in Barnes yesterday and there are blank spaces on the walls now. 3 of the paintings have been with me for 3 years and it's like losing part of you - my children - and if they sell I would be happy that they would be going to good homes.

Some of the paintings gone are three of these white framed beauties that we had done in Cornwall 3 years ago, 21 altogether, painted with a title of 'from Gwendra Wartha to Wenlock Edge' as we holidayed that year in Cornwall for a week and that first time in Old Mill Cottage in Worstershire, (where we went again this year in July)

One of the one's gone

And another

And one more

I've also joined artwanted and to click on me and read my comments left by fellow artists then click here emyjane and then click on one of the images of my paintings that come up. So far, so good.

Sneeze. Sorry.

I had a strange dream last night - as one does when one is ill - about my old school. I often have dreams where I wander through the corridors, or talk to my friends either in the English rooms or the hall where I would often play the piano on my free periods in 6th form. This time I dreamt about my English teacher Mrs Bradford who died a year after we all left and my friend Mary and I went to her funeral. Well, I was at her funeral again in my dream - nothing odd happened, it was the way I remembered it, but it got me thinking of the rumours that circulated afterwards regarding Mrs Bradford's husband and our RE teacher turned deputy head at one stage Miss Nazareth (of course you're born to be a RE teacher in a catholic school with a name like that!) and how they were meant to be having an affair. Well, rumours turned to be fact . They WERE having an affair and by 3 or so months after Mrs Bradford's death they were living together. Coming from a woman of Miss Nazareth's (by the way she was called Mary!) beliefs, where throughout her whole career as a teacher she lived with her ageing mother who eventually died giving her the light to move in with him! It was the most bizarre thing and something my friend's and I often talk about years afterwards. There's no real point in me telling you this, I just thought I'd share it with you.

A few funny things on the news recently:

Boy of three buys car on ebay
And not just any old car, a shocking pink Nissan Figaro, bought at £8999. Funny that, a boy of three can work ebay and my Mum can't even type an email.

Sharon stone showing more then she needed to
Come on Sharon you should know better!

You know I can't find anymore - I suddenly have a high temperature and am getting hot flushes. Sneeze. Sorry.

You Are 40% Hypochondriac

You can deal well with being sick - even if your symptoms are a little scary.
You're occasionally prone to worry about your health, but only when you have pretty strange symptoms.

Oh great, that makes me feel a whole lot better.

It feels like I have an onion up my nose.

Emy xxx the sick

P.S. My gran has made a full recovery - as she does everytime. You've got to hand it to her - she's one tough cookie.

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