Saturday, November 08, 2008

A weeks worth of photographs

Oh yes, well, few days perhaps - I usually take around 240 but this week last was only 144, I'm slipping! But then it takes me less to sort through!

Soon I'll be organised again - will take me a while, but I'll get there & I have already received an email from a friend who's over the moon that I've started my blog & left that other place behind! Onwards & upwards that's what he always says - backwards I said to him, back to my blog - but then he said yeah but you have to go backwards a little in order to move forward! I asked him have you been drinking? lol I got a ha ha ha reply, "naturally darling!"

Roe deer this morning taken from the bathroom window

She was a long way off to full zoom on this one - hence the poor quality

Robin - very territorial this time of year!

Pied Wagtail on his usual perch catching insects

Carrion Crow

Crows in Torrington car park on the grassy verge - these are Carrion Crows

Buzzard on the hedge - so far away - so annoying - looks like an osprey here!

Who's been eating all my pond fish? Mr heron!

A buttercup still growing in November in the garden!

Taken from Great Torrington car park - very wintry scene!

I also took photos of the sunsets we've been having over the last week or so & will upload them in a different post in a second!


Anonymous said...

Hey great photos again, well done for getting the Roe Deer! Nice scene from torrington car park, it looks a bit different to when i saw it! A xx

Anonymous said...

More great photos!

Brilliant Emy!

lots of love xxxx C & co