Sunday, August 27, 2006

"Us Is Gwain Awm"

We Are Going Home

That would have been the title form last nights post, but it has come a little late, as WE ARE HOME! Well, London home that is! And what a journey. . . perfect through and through, no hold up, no bad driver (well, a couple, but nothing as we know it) and as soon as we're back a million planes come over and trains come past, all on a bank holiday weekend!

I have so much to tell and report, but I've had a little wine and to be quite frank, can't be bothered but will do a full account tomorrow! And I've 'ate'd' (eaten - in Devonshire dialect, as in the title) and am feeling pretty drowsy to say the least! Anyway it has 'bain' (been) a wonderful 6 weeks and I can't believe it's over and Summer has been washed away (not how I imagine August in my mind), but Hey! What do you 'axpec'? (expect). So we will bide (stay) now in London for sometime and carr' (carry) on with our city life. But I'd dairly (dearly) like to be back in the West, but I can't have my own way ALL the time!

Before I disappear for tonight here are a few news stories that have caught my eye over the last few days:

Cows have regional accents . . . It's true!

Speed cameras in this country. . . An Essex Artist (well, he's not and he is, see for yourself)

Paul McCartney's Loss of Money (yeah, right, not much chum!)

Big Brother Germany is Watching us - Well, our bins to be precise!

If any of these links are typed wrong then blame the wine!

That's all for now, am ready for my bed! I've already unpacked but I'll be packing again for Canterbury on Tuesday till Saturday . . . I MUST be mad, going through the MA set up again, but least I won't be stressed for me, only for them!!!!!! Oh well, I'll be back good and proper tomorrow with loads of catch up photos! Though I wish there'll be more 'ollerdays' (holidays) in Devon, PRETTY DAMN SOON!!!!!!

Emy xxx (more Devon dialect tomorrow!) xxx


Unknown said...

Oh well, Macca and the German one doesn't work. . . will sort it out tomorrow when I'm LESS drunk!

E xxx

Anonymous said...

They're working now - as far as I can tell!!
Catch you later... :)

tuckmac said...


Sorry... I really liked the links... I almost sent you the "cows with regional accent" link when I came across it last week... But... I should've known you'd find it on your own.

Dude... Micro-chips in BINS??? What'da?

And I'm sorry... "Greed Cameras" is awesome! I'd shake that person's hand ANYday.

Thanks for the fun...

-- T