Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Few Heavy Horses

I swear this dial up connection is getting slower, or could it be the rain?

I've got so many posts planned but I'm getting sick and tired of not having broadband, I want to do a WHOLE Heavy Horses series and there's still the pictures of the Okehampton show - all converted for the web - but as it's so slow it takes twice the time, so here is a small taster of what's going to come on here once I'm back in London which will be this coming Sunday.

Sufolks (origin Sufolk but there are more of these in Somerset then anywhere else) And these guys are from Somerset, Kestrel and Dot.

This really shouldn't happen to a horse - a little over the top I think

There were around 30 horses and 8 breeds and they all were harnessed up to different things

And they loved their work! So calm, cool and placid!

This morning I went to see my planted Pine trees at Fishleigh. They looked good, although one was a little too yellow for my liking, obviously over-watered when it was dry and hot. We saw Peter Walters briefly and then went over the wet fields to see the trees. Pictures again will be coming soon, haven't even downloaded them!

At 3:30pm I'm off to Dunsbeare as a whole group of us are going out to see a folk concert in a small settlement (no church) called 'Yarde', there I was always led to believe that the row of cottages were lived in by convicts! But there seems to be a cafe there now and this concert tonight. Tickets are £10, and you get a meal and 2 free drinks. Knowing this part of the world the meal will be beef (so I'm going hungry then) but I'm hoping as it's a folk do there might be some vegetarian dishes on the menu. We're planning to walk there via the Tarka Trail (Devon's old railway line, taken up in the 60s) and it'll take an hour there and an hour back (people walk a lot here!) and fingers crossed the rain will stay away. Will let you know what it was like tomorrow - though all sounds a little odd to me!

Yes, it has been raining. It's sad as all the butterflies came out in the sun now they've all been washed away in the wet. I heard my first robin sing the other day, a sure sign of Autumn and the first leaves are beginning to turn and the acorns coming on the oaks. What the hell happened to summer? Plus September is meant to be wetter still. The MA show at KIAD might be a wash out. Oh dear.

Emy xxx

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