Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Dream of Cars. . . And Where To Drive Them. . . And Who To Drive Them With . . .

2nd August cars displayed at North Devon Show.

And why you may ask have I devoted a whole post to cars, well, it's because when I was a child my main toys were cars, I had hundreds of them and made up games. Each car could talk and each had a special power, from flying to swimming (I lost many a good car in the pond!) and as soon as I was 17 I wanted to drive (I wanted to drive at 5!) and I lerant and passed and have had a 'real' car ever since. The model cars fascinated me, I loved their shapes and colours and the sound they made on the kitchen tiles as I raced them up and down my car garage. Oh, happy days! Now I love ALL vintage/classic cars and at the show, it was car heaven, the only thing missing to complete this collection was an Aston Martin DB5. Oh well, you can't have everything!

Today has been lovely and sunny and has helped me nurse my hangover from last night as we went to see our friends over at Dunsbeare for our usual tradition of a Chinese take-away. The last few days have been busy, busy, busy. My Dad is now back in Devon and very happy he is too as he couldn't stand the heat in the South East, apparently the heath has turned yellow and because of this stupid hose pipe ban the government are thinking of introducing water pipes for each road and also bringing the army in, in case of trouble! Who the HELL do they think we are?!

We had a nasty business to deal with today, the 'something nasty in the garden shed' turned out to be a dead rat and the stench was SO bad we had to wear masks. Unfortunately it had died in our of our huge garden bags amid garden cuttings so the bag is now wrapped up in plastic for the rubbish tip and the remains of the rat in now buried 4 foot under in a trench Dad and I digged on the lane verge outside the cottage. The smell still haunts the garden, I hope it has gone by tomorow. The rest of the day was spent reading in the sun, reading yet another Gerald Durrel book, I do think anyone who is interested in natural history and nature itself should read his books. The only trouble with reading today is that every 20mins or so a large tractor and trailer, empty or full, would come hurtling down the lane had GREAT speed carrying hay bales from the cutting of the wheat at the top and I kept getting graphic images of being trampled by a falling bale so I kept jumping up and running to the other end of the garden in fright! Not very relaxing and yet another hazard of living in the country RIGHT next to a small (it is, yet ANYTHING can fit it's way up and at great speeds) country lane. Plus there was so much activitiy in the garden today, birds and butterflies and the occasional mole poking his nose up through the earth next to where I was sitting! Little gentlemen in velvet coats!

My painting career has taken a nose dive as I have a painters block right now. All the paintings I've produced so far have been RUBBISH and I'm seriously panicing over the little time we have left here, to anyone else, a holiday ending on 24th of this month is a long time, to a painter it's like the end of the world! So I really do have to get my skates on and that puts pressure on me and I produce work for the sake of it rather then doing it for my own enjoyment and pleasure and so I fuck it up! But then, years gone by, I have worked better under pressure, so either something gloriously comes in the next few days or I'll have to revert to Red Bull like last year with the MA show where I managed to cut down and edit 14 hours of film, hang some rather LARGE pine tree branchs in a studio space and generally paint walls and floors and rush around like a headless chicken (all of that to come again on the last week of this month when I go and help my friends to hang there MA show at the same place). So painting and me, well, we're in a battle and I'm NOT winning. Any advice from like-minded people?! Please help me.

Emy xxx

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