Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Oh What A Beautiful Day . . .

Oh what a lovely day! The sun is shining, the farmers are cutting their last field and I've been out in the cow field (still empty) picking blackberries - while being watched by a Roe Deer - and finding 3 four leaf clovers and one five leaf (anyone ever heard of a five leaf?! Madness).

Tomorrow is yet another county show and this time it's the Okehampton show. Same deal; farm animals, machinery, craft , food hall, sheep shearing and unfortunately rain is forecast, but that won't dampen my spirits. I really love this time of year, August, high summer, everything lush and beautiful.

Right, more photographs coming up from the last week:

Exeter cathedral and two bobbies (police to non-English readers)

Perfect blue sky - looks too good to be true

Rosemoor gardens - RHS (Royal Horicultural Society)

For once a bee stayed put and smiled for the camera!

Corn flower


No idea but beautiful - some kind of daisy perhaps?!

Globe Thistle

Another kind of daisy

Er. . . My knowledge is failing me (what knowledge?!)

Larch Wood

Perfect Scots Pine (as they always are)

Great colour combination

The same Birds of Prey from the North Devon show were also at Rosemoor

A baby snowy owl - enchanted by a plane in the sky!

An ancient old lion statue - I've always wanted one of these for the garden!

Sunset a couple of nights ago

Every pine in the district is dropping hundreds of cones

In the news today I laughed my head off! Paul McCartney has hired the same lawyer Prince Charles had and Heather has Diana's lawyer! From both of them saying, oh, we really just want a relaxing divorce with no hassle, it has gone out of control. Heather – so the press reports – has taken out £1 million (it has disappeared) and so Macca has frozen their joint account. Heather can’t even drop her child off and see him, as he doesn’t want to see her, the other day she had to drop Beatrice at the park near his St Johns Wood home to one of his minders, she was so outraged by that that she went to his house only to find he had changed the locks! The whole thing is ridiculous and getting way out of hand. But it is his fault; he should NEVER have married her in the first place and so soon after the death of Linda. Read story here.

And now a couple of links, from family (my Uncle Peter in Holland) to Andy (my PHD friend in Manchester):

Peter has a very swanky clothes shop and a very swanky new website to go with it (cool jazz music and wonderfully designed by his son and daughter) – but watch out! It’s all in Dutch! But please go and take a look and tell me what you think, I think it’s fab! Well done Pete!
Othello Men's Fashion

Andy’s working holiday (yeah right, MORE of a holiday) trip to Boston and New York photographs – yet another person who can’t stop clicking, my God, there’s two of us?!

On that thought I'll leave it for today,

Love Emy xxx


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I did spend a whole week mingling with people in the conference so I think I deserved a holiday break in NYC, just to recover!! :)

PHD friend? Hmm, that sounds a bit dodgy... Well, I don't think I *click* as many as you do, but I do like your sunset photos tho - they are absolutely beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Those flowers are lovely. And I'm quite obsessed with owls so I would love to be that close to one!

All of your photos are fabulous; I'm just sorry I haven't been commenting so much! Haha.

We have a lot of car shows around here (The Corvette is made here) and a lot of tractors too (it is surrounded by farmland) so it is all very a different kind of way...hahaha.