Monday, July 10, 2006

Situations . . . Rooks, Cows, Paintings & the Weather (All in That Order!)

Hello all.

Right. I have no news. No news is good news (I hate that saying), only that it's wet and we are being bombarded with a thousand rooks everyday over the cottage into the corn fields, they have tap dancing lessons on our roof and mess up the garden. There are now crow scarers in the fields, which mimic guns every 2o mins or so (don't know what's more annoying, them or the birds!), plus actual farmers with guns hiding in the bushes! That REALLY fools them. I remember one of the farmers here once saying , "I believe in control", well, he's got it spot on, the rooks are falling like flies! There's one dead in the road and one dead in our garden and one elsewhere in the bushes somewhere and loads of black feathers flying out of the sky! I don't think I have anything against shooting rooks, I should have, I know, but imagine this, you're walking up your garden and suddenly a gigantic mass of black rises up above you, cawing, screeching, feathers flying everywhere! Hitchcock anyone? (The Birds was actually written by Daphne Du Maurier). So that's the rook situation.

The cow situation. Well, I went to look for them yesterday. I found signs. Fresh cow pats here and there and discarded ear tags, but no sign of them. There was another field I could venture into but it goes up a hill and I don't want to 'spring' myself on them because they'll only get frisky and start charging (actually I just loss my nerve!) So today we went shopping in out local 'bigger' town - Barnstable - and on the road I spotted them in another field, so I'll be going there tomorrow to introduce myself!!!!

The painting situation. I have done one painting on paper. Wow. Not great, but then I have been ill. So. . . !!!!

The weather situation. Wet, windy and slighty cold. Good, long, hot weather is predicted on the week we go up to Herefordshire. . . typical! But if it's 'long' then hopefully 'longer' then a week. Time will tell. You know I haven't seen the sun longer then one hour the whole entire time I've been here. No sun, so no sunsets, so no photographs to show of any kind. Sorry folks, you'll have to be patient! (dear God, I'm not!)

We have no plans for the rest of the week. I seem to be having a very spontaneous life. I'm not complaining.

Emy xxx

1 comment:

tuckmac said...


Sorry about your illness, and the bloody weather.

If it helps... We're dealing with a drought, and it's going to hit around the upper 30's° C later this week.

It's miserable here. Gah.

Have fun trying to find the cows. Why you want to find cows, I may never truly understand... But by reading your blog, I know that it's an integral part of your 'Devon-experience.'
