Thursday, April 12, 2007

Warm Spring Sunshine - YOU BET!!!!

Just noticed this for the rest of this week and beginning of next:

I really am going to miss those hot, sweltering summers in London - not so much the pollution though. Least in Devon you get that nice Summer breeze!

It's time to dig out the t shirts, skirts and sandals lol

E x

1 comment:

tuckmac said...


I'm bloody jealous!

It's been horrible here in Minnesota the past few weeks. We've been having temps hovering around 0°C for a week, and we've had a snowstorm! In the middle of bloody APRIL!


It's meant to get up around 12°C this weekend, so... I'm getting excited for that.

I can't believe that I'm thinking that that is going to be "warm" but there you go.

Enjoy the gorgeous weather. I know you Brits don't get that very often.


-- T