Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Days On My Own & Happy May Day!

Yes folks! I'm finally living my dream - being at the cottage on my own with my little car and am loving every minute of it!!! I can get up when I want (lol), paint when I want and go out when I want - and as always I'm 'one' with nature - having never been here at this particular time of year - I'm seeing things I don't usually see, there are too many to name - but there's a BIG abundance of wildlife, right on my doorstep! Plus I had a very special visitor in my garden today - 3 to be precise - a frog in the pond, the first one I've ever seen in these 15 years, my first sighting of a Humming Bird Hawkmoth and a Roe Deer this evening - oh not to mention the wood mouse!
Everything looks splendid and brand new, plus the Ash trees are finally flowering as they have been so late this year.

First of all the oilseed rape is stunning - if a little hard to walk past as it's so high!

Those little black blobs on the photo are not from a dirty lense but mayflies and there are HUNDREDS! Every photo you'll notice them, somewhere!

People complain about the smell of oil seed but I quite like it

And and the hedgerows are awash with colour this time of year

What is called 'Wildlife corridors' in between field and hedgerow

Oilseed close up - rather beautiful

Rooney the pheasant & his Mrs

Red-legged Partridge opposite kitchen window - what my mum would call a 'designer bird'

Brimstone moth - which comes to the light every night

A female orange tip butterfly

It was quite overcast for a number of days now it's sunny & blue

Oak tree

I think these are wood violets but not too sure

a few nights ago

again a few nights ago

Last night - ash tree on right notice how late it is, it still looks like winter!

Tulip shadows

It's now full - pictures soon

I've managed to start and finish a few paintings - but the weather has been so glorious I wanted to be outside - and I have been and definitely tomorrow too. Oh this is the life - bliss!

Emy xxxxxxxxxxx


tuckmac said...

It looks very beautiful, Em.

I can say, however, that both Fiona and myself would be absolutely miserable with all the oil-seed rape around! Deathly allergic to the stuff. But... Beyond that...

It's very "English Countryside-ish" where you're living now.

I miss England.



tuckmac said...

I saw you're comment in my MySpace.


Please read my newest blog entry.


-- Tuck