Friday, May 11, 2007

Torrington Mayfair

Ok, I'm seriously trying to catch up here! Sorry folks for being so 'pants' with this recently.

For the last 2 weeks I've been spending half my time by myself, living independently at the cottage and the other half with Sue - so have been MEGA busy, what with paintings, daily chores, food shopping, bird feeding & then helping Sue out on the farm - cows, ducks, cats plus sheep & rams with maggots (yep, if I had had a scientific mind, I would have been the GREATEST vet, as I'm not squeamish at all) it's left me very little time to do this & when I did get the time recently my laptop suddenly stopped, as in it got stuck and wouldn't do anything! So I lost my post!!!!

Ok, so relentless rain/wind/cold. A few cows have turned up in the field but they're a little scarred of the outside world - as in me - but I'm here for a while so they'll have to get used to me and I'll make them tame, I usually succeed!!!

So photos of Torrington's May Fair and it's crowning of the 'May Queen' and other lovely photos of this beautiful place:

First of all a visitor - a Roe Deer

Who came into the garden

But then walked back onto the lane

Showed me his behind

And disappeared up the lane - this same roe deer walked past the kitchen window the other day when I was doing the washing up - just every day experiences in the West Country lol!

Rooney looking spiffing in the sun!!!!

Full moon last week - yes, I'm behind, I know!

The May Fair - last Thursday (8 days ago!)

I'm assuming the Mayor of Torrington as no-one told me otherwise

'Big Al' a local character of Torrington town

The Mayfair Queen

On her thrown to the sound of the brass band - you have to imagine it!

The crowning . . .

A very pretty Queen - love the hair

Smile to the camera although I'm sure she's a brat!!!!!

The pattern after one of the Mayfair pole rope dances

The Maypole

Torrington Bowling Green - lovely, I didn't know they had one!

My first lamb's tail!

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