Sunday, May 27, 2007

Italics Are A' Go - And An Another Annoyance

Hello all, sorry for my non existent posts. I've just been getting ready for my exhibition in June. I have to deliver my paintings to Exeter this coming Friday. They all now have D-rings attached to them and are all wrapped up - grease proof paper and bubble wrap - and are all ready to go, I hope I can fit them all in the car! It was very difficult to make a selection, as I had done so many, they want 12 - 14, I've narrowed it down to 16, as some are diptychs and other triptychs.

Something has been annoying me.

And I stress, like I do every year for all of you in the UK or those living in America to watch Springwatch which is starting tomorrow (28th) at 8pm on BBC2 - I'm not sure how BBC America works - if it starts here in the UK at 8pm, will it come to you at 1pm? Or later and not live? Or will you get it at all? If you don't then please visit the website as they have live webcams around the clocks, from barn owls to badgers to jackdaws to swallows, all live action.

This is what has been annoying me.

The Springwatch message boards - you may find me under my nickname 'Emyjane' (well, naturally) the same people have been sending messages on it now for 3 years and all know each other, I suppose I would be called an 'interloper' and am trying my hardest to join in with discussions and visit 'The Falling Weasel" a fictional pub. Ok, it sounds sad and it is pretty, but it's fun though, sharing an imaginary drink among keen wildlife enthusiasts. Thing is, I've been given the cold shoulder because I got involved in an argument over 'Magpies, love them or loathe them' - someone saying about the death and destruction they cause to songbirds nests. Well I put in that Magpies were bad but the Sparrowhawks were the real villains. I called them evil - well, they are to a certain degree as they take countless birds every day - and this is the reply I got:

'Emyjane - Sparrowhawks are merely feeding their own young. Ecosystems work in a balance, and top predators have their own place in that balance. Would you want to shoot songbirds for mercilessly slaughtering caterpillars for their young? Songbirds have large clutches, and often more than one clutch in order to make up for the young ones lost to predators etc.

Yes, none of us like to see a young bird taken by a predator, but would we like to see a day in which there were no more birds of prey swooping in our skies? They really are magnificent birds.

PS - Absolutely it is against the law to shoot them!'

And I replied:

'Wildwytch - Look there is no way on this earth that I'd ever harm any creature, sparrowhawk or no sparrowhawk - I was just merely pointing out that magpies are evil but shouldn't really get all the blame for desecration of the songbirds - hawks have a lot to answer for as well. And there was no need to be unkind and point out about birds eating caterpillars - I know it's a fact of life, the food chain, it's just a pity nothing eats the sparrowhawk!'

Followed by (I can't get out of Italics!):

'Emyjane - I was not being unkind. But you don't seem to have grasped how nature works. Magpies aren't evil - they are simply predators that need to eat. The same goes for sparrowhawks - you talk about them 'getting away with it', but if they never ate any songbirds then soon there would be no sparrowhawks left.

I'm sorry you seem to feel that I was being unkind, it was not intentional.'

And me:

'See you've done it again - of course I grasp how nature works Wildwytch it's just so unfair but then it's life I know. And magpies - either love them or hate them, that was the first thread, I was just giving my opinion - don't make out that I'm stupid please!'

And then someone else:

'But Emyjane, you're the one using emotive phrases like 'evil' and 'getting away with it'. You can't really use those phrases when talking about predators. Those are human constructs and they don't apply.'

And then me:

'Look stop ganging up on me - I was only offering an opinion - and here's another 'human construct' I think magpies are beautiful and Sparrowhawks handsome birds - anyone have a problem with those? ;-)'

And then Wildwytch:

'An animal is never evil, it is just an animal.'

And then some saviour of my plight:

'But humans are animals. So that would really only leave the word applying to mythical supernatural beings. '

You see - today has been cruel. These damn italics - how the hell do I get out of this?

But wouldn't you call humans 'evil' right now on the subject of Madeline? That's pissing me off right now too - the incompetence of the Portuguese police who set up these pointless press conferences only to tell us all nothing as it's against 'their' law and after three weeks to FINALLY release a suspect identification who looks similar already to their main suspect! And now the pope meeting the parents - where is this all going to lead? Are we ever going to see the end of this? And if so, I doubt it'll be happy - humans ARE evil, well, some of them.

Ok to end on a nice note - meet Rose, my new best friend! Plus more pictures to come over the following days:

My lovely 'White Rose' and myself!

At the moment 'my girls' or 'gals' - all 12 of them - are dripping wet as the rain hasn't stopped. Tomorrow hopefully we'll see the sun again and the Italics will be NO MORE!

Emy xxxxxxxxx

Monday, May 21, 2007

Cutty Sark is Torched

This is devastating - the only tea clipper surviving and it's just about been destroyed - although they say there's enough left to rebuild - thing is, she'll never be the same again. And I'll never look at her the same again. Already she was a shadow of her former self as she was going through a major restoration project and thank god 50% of her was dismantled otherwise it would have been a greater tragedy then it already is. I'm still in shock, watching the 20 ft flames engulf her on some one's amateur video, it feels like that 'my' friend was burning and I feel I've lost a part of myself because of it. Childhood memories of walking through her decks, looking up at the mighty masts and feeling her history swamp over me. She is (was) a marvel, a sight to behold, a definite symbol of Greenwich's Maritime past and now she's a sight for sore eyes. I loved her and now I mourn her pain & misery.

E xxx

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Torrington Carnival

Ok - again I'm far behind in this - the carnival was actually 2 weeks ago. I'll be back to normal again soon, I promise. I'm just so busy right now and now my folks are here with me again it's made my life even more packed and hectic. Plus the weather is so ghastly. No fair. Please, I want the sun back and how is that going to be possible?

The first carnival attraction - a police car lol

An Araappaloosa horse

Of course it's just an excuse to dress up like a tit - all for charity of course

Speaking of tits . . .

I don't think so

Alan from the green grocers 'Xanadu'

Torrington forever living in the past - well, 1646 the civil war

Thunderbirds are definitely 'A GO!'

Note the gorilla in the passenger seat - a little disturbing to say the least!

This was the best 'Float' 'Soul Train' excellent

Too many jokes - can't take it!!!!!!!

Rod getting close . . .

some people really made an effort!

The last of the sunshine a few weeks back & last of the yellow fields

And then it was gone . . .

And the corn is coming along nicely . . .

As you can see

The pasture is green & lush and now some sweet young heifers are in the field

Germainder Speedwell

My first Tortis shell butterfly

It smells lovely but the rain and the wind has blown it apart

The mighty buzzard

The beautiful glowing Yellow Hammer

Emy xxx

Torrington Mayfair

Ok, I'm seriously trying to catch up here! Sorry folks for being so 'pants' with this recently.

For the last 2 weeks I've been spending half my time by myself, living independently at the cottage and the other half with Sue - so have been MEGA busy, what with paintings, daily chores, food shopping, bird feeding & then helping Sue out on the farm - cows, ducks, cats plus sheep & rams with maggots (yep, if I had had a scientific mind, I would have been the GREATEST vet, as I'm not squeamish at all) it's left me very little time to do this & when I did get the time recently my laptop suddenly stopped, as in it got stuck and wouldn't do anything! So I lost my post!!!!

Ok, so relentless rain/wind/cold. A few cows have turned up in the field but they're a little scarred of the outside world - as in me - but I'm here for a while so they'll have to get used to me and I'll make them tame, I usually succeed!!!

So photos of Torrington's May Fair and it's crowning of the 'May Queen' and other lovely photos of this beautiful place:

First of all a visitor - a Roe Deer

Who came into the garden

But then walked back onto the lane

Showed me his behind

And disappeared up the lane - this same roe deer walked past the kitchen window the other day when I was doing the washing up - just every day experiences in the West Country lol!

Rooney looking spiffing in the sun!!!!

Full moon last week - yes, I'm behind, I know!

The May Fair - last Thursday (8 days ago!)

I'm assuming the Mayor of Torrington as no-one told me otherwise

'Big Al' a local character of Torrington town

The Mayfair Queen

On her thrown to the sound of the brass band - you have to imagine it!

The crowning . . .

A very pretty Queen - love the hair

Smile to the camera although I'm sure she's a brat!!!!!

The pattern after one of the Mayfair pole rope dances

The Maypole

Torrington Bowling Green - lovely, I didn't know they had one!

My first lamb's tail!