Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Worst Firework Display EVER

Although I did get some nice pics with my new excellent camera.

It started at 8pm. Well 8:03 to be precise and ended 8:28. The display is meant to be the biggest in London and they were going to let off 1 ton of fireworks. Well they must have done because I got bored half way and if I wasn't concentrating on taking the pictures I would have fallen asleep! Accompanied by AWFUL music - words can not describe. Unorganised colours (the colours were bad), messy and uncoordinated rubbish. All thanks to Lewisham council who don't have any taste whatsoever. I cannot stress enough how bad it was. The only excitement was the multitude of people - I've never seen so many people on that heath - thousands upon thousands - mostly drunk (lol) and so many people going home at snails pace, it reminded me of Oasis at Knebworth all over again. Apart from that . . . I actually enjoyed my neighbours shop bought display, which I watched from the study window - much better!

So from the sounds of:

Ride of the Valkyries

James Bond theme tune

The Blue Danube Waltz taken from the film Space Odyssey 2001 (I'm sure you ALL remember that!)

Pictures and they're not bad - fireworks rubbish - but pictures good!

And a film too, just to drive it home that it was that bad:

I have just been outside. It's all bangs and whizzes - there is no let up. The air is full of smoke. I reckon this could go on for most of the night and tomorrow night and then up to Xmas and beyond. It's never plain sailing anymore. This world has how become totally over the top.

Ok so it's Devon tomorrow or 'Devon dial up' as I call it and because of that I spent a small fortune on itunes today only because I won't have a chance to go on it in 4 WHOLE weeks! But then I'm in Devon - my best place, my home, my lovely beautiful West country! So up early for a LONG journey but nicely rewarded at the destination! Hope my Scots pine are still standing.

Emy xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the fireworks doesn't look that bad from the photos you took - much better than the ones in Stockport, I can tell you that for sure!!